Working with poses effectively really requires you to be able to see other poses while you are working, which is best done through some sort of onion skin tool in the manner of a 2D DCC app like Toon Boom. Indeed, this is a well-established workflow for blocking, even when the final animation will be splined and adjusted through the graph editor. "Breakdown" tools like Justin Barrett's The Tween Machine or our own Anzovin Breakdown Tool can be used to generate in-between poses easily. But we don't need to think of them that way-we can make a "pose," with a keyframe on every attribute associated with the character, and choose to animate only with poses. Maya was designed for a series of separate animation curves for each attribute, with it's own keyframe placement and interpolation. But because we can't use Source Filmmaker for production-it's really not geared towards character animation-we're going to need to figure out how to get some of those benefits in Maya. to Python 3 compatibility to potentially work with Maya 2022+ but it's not in this particular github repository.Last time we talked about the problems caused by keyframe interpolation, and the benefits you can get by removing it altogether. Note that this particular TweenMachine library has been abandoned and looking for new code maintainers. The right command to call is thus: import tween_machine This won't work because the Python file is called "tween_machine.py". According to the documentation in the code repository it's INCORRECTLY shown as this: import tweenMachine Then in Maya in Script Editor in a Python Tab you can import that python module and run the right command. To use that copy over the script files in to your scripts folder.

However, even though it does work I'd recommend using the more updated version, which is the Python version. Restarted maya and ran the following code in MEL Script Editor to run it: tweenMachine I copied both these files to my scripts folder for Maya 2020. So the MEL version does work in Maya 2020 - I quickly checked here.