In fact, all newborns lose their outer layer of skin in the first two to three weeks after birth. You can now breathe a sigh of relief: It’s perfectly normal. If your newborn’s skin is peeling, the first question that’s probably crossed your mind is whether or not it’s normal.

Is It Normal For A Newborn To Have Peeling Skin? When Do I Need To Take My Baby To A Doctor?.What’s Causing My Newborn’s Skin To Peel?.Is It Normal For A Newborn To Have Peeling Skin?.In this post, the baby experts at Mustela will answer all of these questions to help put your mind - and your newborn - at ease. If your newborn has peeling or dry skin on their face, you’re probably wondering: It’s also something that new parents often ask about. Peeling skin is a common newborn condition. One of the things that may cause you to worry is noticing that your newborn’s skin is peeling. It comes with all sorts of emotions - happiness, excitement, and, sometimes, concern. Bringing a child into the world is one of life’s most magical experiences.